Learn more:
AutoPack-2L: http://www.stoneagetools.com/autopack-2l
AutoPack-3L: http://www.stoneagetools.com/autopack-3l
StoneAge AutoPacks are self-contained automated equipment kits designed for plug and play use in the most common water blasting applications. They contain all the components and accessories needed to perform fully automated heat exchanger cleaning right out of the box.
AutoPacks are now available for both the ABX-3L triple lance, and ABX-2L dual lance tube cleaning systems, perfect for hands-free tube bundle and Fin Fan heat exchanger cleaning applications.
AutoPack-2L: http://www.stoneagetools.com/autopack-2l
AutoPack-3L: http://www.stoneagetools.com/autopack-3l
StoneAge AutoPacks are self-contained automated equipment kits designed for plug and play use in the most common water blasting applications. They contain all the components and accessories needed to perform fully automated heat exchanger cleaning right out of the box.
AutoPacks are now available for both the ABX-3L triple lance, and ABX-2L dual lance tube cleaning systems, perfect for hands-free tube bundle and Fin Fan heat exchanger cleaning applications.